FAQ (Fetch Ink)
What is my username?
  • Your username is your iRhythm corporate email address.
Where do I recover/change my password?
  • To recover a forgotten password, follow the link on the portal login menu.
  • To change a password, navigate to My Account from the homepage and click edit profile.
  • Passwords must include each of the following:
    • Seven Characters
    • One Number
    • One Uppercase Letter
How do I place an order?
  • Search for specific contents you will need to support your event.
  • Select the quantity and click add to move the items into your cart.
  • When you are finished adding items to your cart, click Checkout.
  • Confirm items in your cart at checkout
  • Fill out all required fields in shipping table to proceed to the next page.
  • Review order and submit by selecting ‘send order’.
Where are my Saved Orders and Order History?
  • Saved orders are visible under My Account tab.
  • Navigate bar - see Order Status tab to view order history, be sure to have your Order Number.
What shipping methods are offered?
  • Ground
  • Express Saver
  • 2 Day Service
  • Standard Overnight
  • Priority Overnight
  • First Overnight
  • International Priority
  • International First
  • International Economy
What if the order is damaged or incorrect?
  • If shipment is damaged, photos must be taken of all boxes as they arrived, from all angles as well as the shipping label and sent via email to your Almaden Customer Service representatives.
  • If order is incorrect, notify your Almaden Customer Service representatives.
For any other questions about using Fetch Ink, please contact fetchink@irhythmtech.com.